Thursday 24 May 2012

job article

A job I wouldn’t like to do

The job I wouldn’t like to do is farmer. Farmers have to cultivate land to grow cereals fruits and vegetables.
Farmers also breed cattle like cows horses and sheep.
They produce milk and make cheese or yoghurt. They work a lot; they start early in the morning and finish late in the evening.
I don’t want to do this job because I don’t like being outside. Furthermore, I dislike animals (I think horses are too big and they scare me)
This job is really tiring. The summer is harvest time so farmers don’t get any summer holidays. They are always busy because they have to take care of the cattle.
        I agree that this job is very helpful and necessary. But I believe, it is too hard for me. I would prefer to do a job which has more free time to spend with your family.

By Camille

French pupils' articles about jobs

I chose a holiday job which is coordinator in a summer camp
This job consists in taking care of children during the summer holidays, or organizing different activities like games, sports or painting. The coordinator not only organizes games for the children but takes care of them, too, so he or she needs to be self-confident. To do this job you have to know how to manage children and to be patient, clear and firm you have to be able to take initiatives in order to amuse the children. The coordinator could have to work with all ages of children from 5 to 18 that’s why you need the BAFA diploma and you have to be over eighteen to work.
        I chose this job because I love children and I think it is an experience worth having especially learning to live in a community.

By Calliane 

Wednesday 23 May 2012

French Fashion Show for Europe Day
What to wear and what not to wear for a job interview