Saturday 31 March 2012




Nowadays the world is facing ‘the global’ crisis and I guess the problem of ‘unemployment’ occurs  in every country. It is social phenomenon that concerns  people who aren’t employed. We can distinguish two types of unemployment:  long-term (being unemployed for a year or more) and short-term (being out of work for three months). Being unemployed  for more than a couple of months can be very dangerous because chances of getting a job decrease.
Unfortunately, unemployment is one of the biggest problems in Poland. Polish unemployment rate grows rapidly – now around 13% . At the end of January 2012 there were 2121,5  thousand unemployed people in the labour offices. Almost 30% of these people are between 20 and 24 years old and they are with primary or lower secondary level of education.  The largest number of unemployed people can be specified in agricultural regions. The main causes of this problem in our country are: liquidation of some branches of industry, production restrictions, demand for various goods or services decreased, transferring factories or companies to other regions, etc. According to statistics form the end of 2011, the average duration of job search is one year.
Unemployment in Poland concerns especially young people. Employers are looking for people with professional training and experience. Students often do not have relevant qualifications and they are not experienced enough.
Not only does the problem concern young people. There are more women than men who are unemployed, especially in the country or small town. This sad thing is that even though they have higher education than men, still they have no job.
What is more, unemployment is the cause of low self-esteem, helplessness and isolation from people. The problem of getting a job is the reason of weakness and as a result a lot of people suffer from nervous breakdown or neurosis.  It is very hard to cope with  situation of being unemployed. 
To sum up, unemployment is a very serious problem and  in my opinion the government must decide what should be done to solve this problem.
Dominika- G10 Rybnik,Poland

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